Long Dan Xie Gan Wan(Gentiana Drain Liver PIlls) (6g *12 bags) Liver Fire Clear 龙胆泻肝丸 Tong Ren Tang

  • $504.00

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Brand:Tong Ren Tang

Functions and Indications: 

This is a classical Chinese herbal formula that helps soothe Liver Fire. Symptoms associated with conditions treated by this formula are: - Sudden flare up of headache or migraine with several symptoms from this list - red, sore, and/or swollen eyes, - restless irritability, - feeling hot, - dark urine, - yellow vaginal discharge, - cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder or its ducts) - sudden, loud tinnitus or even sudden hearing loss (as always, please consult a doctor first!) - sudden elevated blood pressure (hypertension) If you tend to get such flare-ups, this is a good formula to keep on hand and take for a few days as needed to cool your system and release the heat and tension. This formula can be helpful in the treatment of various conditions, such as stress headaches, hypertension, conjunctivitis, cystitis, and shingles.

Lung Tan Xie Gan Pill (Long Dan Xie Gan Wan, Gentiana Drain Liver PIlls, Snake and Dragon Teapills) is a Chinese Medicinal formula that is utilized when a patient has been diagnosed as having excess Liver Heat, excess Gall Bladder Heat, and Damp Heat accumulation. It has been considered helpful in treating a wide variety of symptoms including irritability and headaches associated with stress; treatment of conjunctivitis; red, swollen eyes; ringing in the ears; vaginal discharge (bad smelling); and swollen genitals. Helpful in oral and genital herpes; also hyperthyroid due to liver-gallbladder fire.
Drains liver and gallbladder heat, dispels damp, soothes the liver, tonifies blood, benefits the movement of urine.

Use for heat in the liver or gall bladder channel causing symptoms that can affect any of the three jiao (burners). Upper jiao symptoms include headache, red eye (acute conjunctivitis), earache or infection, irritability, or dizziness. Middle jiaosymptoms include liver and gallbladder inflammation, costal distension or pain, or jaundice. Lower jiao symptoms of scanty urine, difficult urination, leukorrhea (vaginal discharge), swelling of the vulva, pruritus vulvae, urinary infection, acute prostatitis and chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Helful in oral or genital herpes simplex, and herpes zoster (shingles). Also used for hypertension or hyperthyroidism due to liver fire. Liver fire can affect the emotional and metal as well as the physical.


 Radix Gentianae Scabrae(Long Dan Cao)
Radix Bupleuri (Chai Hu)
Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis(Huang Qin)
Fructus Gardeniae (Zhi Zi)
Alismatis (Ze Xie)
Akebia quinata(Thunb )Decne (Mu Tong)CAULIS AKEBIAE
Semen Plantaginis(Che Qian Zi)
Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Dang Gui)
Radices rehmanniae(Di Huang)
Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis(Gan Cao)

Dosage and Administration:

To take orally, 3-6g/per time; 2 times daily.


Contraindicated for anyone with spleen deficiencies, loose stools, diarrhea, poor appetite or chronic digestive weakness. Contraindicated for anyone very weak or deficient. Use with caution during pregnancy and only if approved by a physician. Not recommended for long term use.

Storage : Store (keep) in a cool and dry place,protect from light (heat).

Product Name :LongDan XieGan Wan

Packing: 6g *12 bags /one box 

Manufacturer : Bei Jing TongRenTang Pharmaceutical  Co. Ltd 


【主要成份】 龙胆、柴胡、黄芩、栀子(炒)、泽泻、木通、车前子(盐炒)、当归(酒炒)、地黄、炙甘草。

【性 状】 本品为暗黄色的水丸;味苦。

【适应症/功能主治】 清肝胆,利湿热。用于肝胆湿热所致的头晕目赤,耳鸣耳聋,耳肿疼痛,胁痛口苦,尿赤涩痛,湿热带下。


【用法用量】 口服。一次3~6克,一日2次。


【禁 忌】尚不明确。

【注意事项】 1.忌烟、酒及辛辣食物。 2.不宜在服药期间同时服用滋补性中药。 3.有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。 4.服药后大便次数增多且不成形者,应酌情减量。 5.孕妇慎用。儿童、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱及脾虚便溏者应在医师指导下服用。 6.服药3天症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。 7.对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 8.本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。 9.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 10.请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 11.如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。


【贮 藏】避光,密封保存

【包 装】6g*12袋/盒。

【有 效 期】48 月

【执行标准】 《中华人民共和国药典》2005年版一部

