Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan (Cinnamon Twig and Poria ) (0.15g*126 pills) 桂枝茯苓丸 JiuZhiTang

  • $505.00

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Brand:  Jiu Zhi Tang

Functions and Indications:

It is an ancient Chinese medicine remedy that promotes blood circulation to remove Blood stasis & helps breakdown the mass in lower abdomen.

Promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and eliminating hysteria. It is used for women with lump or blood stasis amenorrhea, abdominal pain and postpartum lochia.


 Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi)
Fu Ling (Poria)
Dan Pi (Cortex Moutan Ridicis)
Tao Ren (Semen Persicae)
Shao Yao (Radix Paeoniae)

Explanation :
Gui zhi :One of the principal drugs, warming and clearing the channels.
Fu Ling: The other principal drug, promoting water metabolism and reinforcing the Qi of the heart and spleen, helping remove blood stasis and prevent miscarriage.
Dan Pi, Shao Yao and Tao Ren: Removing blood stasis and clearing away heat.

Dosage and Administration: Oral use, 9 pills/one time,1-2 tiems/one day

Cautions: Not for pregnant women.

Storage : Store (keep) in a cool and dry place,protect from light (heat).

Product Name :GuiZhi FuLing Wan桂枝茯苓丸

Packing: 0.15g*126 pills/one box 

Manufacturer : SiChuan JiuZhiTang JinDing Pharmaceutical  Co. Ltd 



【主要成份】 桂枝、茯苓、牡丹皮、赤芍、桃仁。

【性 状】 本品为包炭衣浓缩水丸,除去包衣后显黄棕色至棕褐色:气香、味微辛、微苦。

【适应症/功能主治】 活血,化瘀,消癔。用于妇人宿有瘕块,或血瘀经闭,行经腹痛,产后恶露不尽。

【规格型号】 126s(九芝堂)

【用法用量】 口服。一次9丸,一日l~2次。

【不良反应】 尚不明确。

【禁 忌】 孕妇禁用。

【注意事项】 1.体弱、阴道出血量多者慎用。 2.素有症瘕,妊娠后漏下不止,胎动不安者需亲遵医嘱,以免误用伤胎。 3经期及经后3天停用。 4.忌食生冷,肥腻,辛辣食物。

【药物相互作用】 如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。

【贮 藏】 密封。

【包 装】 固体药用塑料瓶,126s/瓶/盒。

【有 效 期】 36 月

【执行标准】 中华人民共和国国家药品监督管理局标准(试

【批准文号】 国药准字Z20027562

【生产企业】 成都九芝堂金鼎药业有限公司