Yang Xue Sheng Fa Jiao Nang (0.5g*30 Capsules) Alopecia seborrheica 养血生发胶囊 JingXiuTang

  • $505.00

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Brand: Jing Xiu Tang

Functions and Indications: Herb for alopecia seborrheica problem.

Nourishing blood, tonifying kidneys, expelling wind, producing hair. It is used to treat alopecia areata, complete alopecia, seborrheic hair loss (due to oily scalp), itchy scalp, excessive lipa and dandruff, and post-partum hair loss and hair loss caused by other diseases.
The side effect :   Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dry mouth, mouth pain, diarrhea, stomach pain, acid regurgitation, constipation, yellow urine, elevated transaminase . Reduce or stop the medicine, it will disappear. Don't use the medicine for long term.


Radix Polygoni Multiflori Preparata 

Radix Angelicae Sinensis 

Radix Paeoniae Alba 

Rhizoma Et Radix Notopterygil 

Rhizoma Chuanxiong 

Fructus Chaenomelis 

Semen Cuscutae 

Rhizoma Gastrodiae 

Radix Rehmanniae Preparata

Dosage and Administration:

Take orally with water, 4 capsules each time, twice daily, morning and evening .


1,Don't use it if your hepatic dysfunction.

2, Don't use it If you are pregnant women.

3, Don't eat digestible food.

4, Cold, fever patients don't  take .

5, High blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease and other chronic diseases, severe cases should be taken under the guidance of doctors.

6, During the medication, such as liver biochemical abnormalities or malaise, anorexia, nausea, tired of the oil, yellow urine, yellow eyes, yellowing of the skin and other clinical manifestations associated with liver injury may, or the original liver biochemical abnormalities of liver injury, clinical symptoms, should be immediately stop the medicine and medical treatment. 

7, Strictly according to usage, dosage, not exceed dosage, use it for long-term.

8,Keep out of reach of children

Storage : Store (keep) in a cool and dry place,protect from light (heat).

Product Name : YangXue ShengFa JiaoNang 养血生发胶囊

Packing: 0.5g*30 Capsule/one box 

Manufacturer : GuangZhou JingXiuTang Pharmaceutical  Co. Ltd 


【主要成份】 熟地黄、当归、羌活、木瓜、川芎、白芍、菟丝子、天麻、制何首乌。

【性 状】 本品为硬胶囊,内容物为棕黄至棕褐色的颗粒和粉末;味辛、微苦。

【适应症/功能主治】 养血祛风,益肾填精。用于血虚风盛,肾精不足所致的脱发,症见毛发松动或呈稀疏状脱落、毛发干燥或油腻、头皮瘙痒;斑秃、全秃、脂溢性脱发与病后、产后脱发见上述证候者。



【不良反应】 1.消化系统:恶心、呕吐、厌食、食欲不振、口干、口苦、腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、胃痛、胃胀、胃不适、反酸、胃灼热感、便秘、尿黄、目黄、皮肤黄染等表现,转氨酶升高等肝生化指标异常。 2.皮肤及其附件:皮疹、瘙痒、面红。 3.全身性:乏力、发热。 4.心血管系统:胸闷、血压升高、潮红、心悸。 5.精神神经系统:头晕、头痛、失眠。

【禁 忌】 1.肝功能不全者禁用。 2.孕妇禁用。 3.已知有本品或组方药物肝损伤个人史的患者不宜使用。

【注意事项】 1.忌不易消化食物。 2.感冒发烧病人不易服用。 3.有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。 4.服药期间应注意监测肝生化指标,如发现肝生化指标异常或出现全身乏力、食欲不振、厌油、恶心、尿黄、目黄、皮肤黄染等可能与肝损伤有关的临床表现时,或原有肝生化检查异常、肝损伤临床症状加重时,应立即停药并就医。 5.严格按用法用量服用,不超剂量、长期连续服用。 6.老年人及肝生化指标异常、有肝病史者慎用。 7.哺乳妇女服药期间应选择停止哺乳或停止使用本品。 8.目前尚无系统的儿童用药安全性研究资料,儿童应慎用。 9.已知有本品或其组方药物肝损伤家族史的患者慎用。 10.应避免与其他有肝毒性的药物联合使用。


【贮 藏】密封。

【包 装】0.5g*30s/瓶。

【有 效 期】24 月

