Bifendate dropping pills( 1.50mg*500 pills)for Chronic persistent hepatitis with increased ALT/Xie He

  • $492.00

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Brand: Xie He

Functions and Indications: 

Bifendate pills are indicated for the treatment of chronic persistent hepatitis with increased ALT. It is also indicated for ALT elevation that was caused by chemical toxicity and drugs.

The oral absorption of this product is about 30%. It is rapidly metabolized and transformed by the first pass of the liver. About 70% of them are excreted from feces within 24 hours. The bioavailability of dropping pills was 1.25-2.37 times that of tablets.

Composition: Bifendate

Dosage and Administration:

Oral,7.5 mg (5 pills) once, 3 times a day, 9-15 mg (6-10 pills) once if necessary, 3 times a day for 3 months; 7.5 mg (5 pills) once after ALT was normal, 2 times a day, and then 3 months. Oral Administration for children: 0.5 mg/kg, 3 times a day for 3 to 6 months.

Adverse effects :

Dry mouth, mild nausea and occasional rash can occur in some cases, which can be eliminated by adding anti-allergic drugs.


1. ALT can be increased in a few patients during the course of medication, and it can be reduced by increasing dosage. ALT rebounded in some patients after withdrawal, but continued to take the medicine was still effective.

2.  Pregnant woman don't use it.

3, Individual patients may suffer from jaundice and deterioration during the course of taking medicine, and should stop taking medicine.

Storage : Store (keep) in a cool and dry place,protect from light (heat).

Packing: 1.50mg*500 pills/one box 

Manufacturer : BeiJing XieHe Pharmaceutical  Co. Ltd 



【主要成份】 本品主要成份为联苯双酯。

【成 份】



【性 状】 本品为黄色糖衣滴丸。

【适应症/功能主治】 本品临床用于慢性迁延性肝炎伴ALT升高者,也可用于化学毒物、药物引起的ALT升高。

【规格型号】 1.50mg*500s(协和)

【用法用量】 口服:一次7.5mg(5丸),一日3次,必要时一次9~15mg(6~10丸),一日3次,连用3个月;ALT正常后改为一次7.5mg(5丸),一日2次,再服3个月。儿童口服:0.5mg/kg,一日3次,连用3~6个月。

【不良反应】 个别病例可出现口干、轻度恶心,偶有皮疹发生,一般加用抗变态反应药物后即可消失。

【禁 忌】 1.对本品过敏者禁用。 2.失代偿性肝硬化患者禁用。 3.孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁用。

【注意事项】 1.少数病人用药过程中ALT可回升,加大剂量可使之降低。停药后部分患者ALT反跳,但继续服药仍有效。 2.个别患者于服药过程中可出现黄疸及病情恶化,应停药。

【儿童用药】 儿童用药酌减。

【老年患者用药】 老年患者慎用本品。

【孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药】 孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁用。

【药物相互作用】 合用肌苷,可减少本品的降酶反跳现象。

【药物过量】 尚不明确。

【药理毒理】 本品亦可降低泼尼松诱导的肝脏ALT升高,能促进部分肝切除小鼠的肝脏再生。本品的降酶作用并非直接抑制血清及肝脏ALT活性,也不加速血液中ALT的失活,可能是肝组织损害减轻的反映。本品对细胞色素P450酶活性有明显诱导作用,从而加强对四氯化碳及某些致癌物的解毒能力。对部分肝炎病人有改善蛋白代谢作用,使白蛋白升高,球蛋白降低。对HbsAg及HbeAg无阴转作用,也不能使肿大的肝脾缩小。

【药代动力学】 本品口服吸收约30%,肝脏首关作用下迅速被代谢转化。24小时内70%左右自粪便排出。滴丸剂的生物利用度为片剂的1.25~2.37倍。

【贮 藏】 密封,在干燥处。

【包 装】 口服固体药用高密度聚乙烯瓶包装。一瓶500丸。

【有 效 期】 36 月

【批准文号】 国药准字H11020980

【生产企业】 北京协和药厂


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