Bu Chang Nao Xin Tong Jiao Nang (0.4g*36 Capsules) Cardio-Cerebral Vascular Disease 步长脑心通胶囊/Bu Chang

  • $509.00

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Brand: Bu Chang

Functions and Indications: 

 Promoting circulation of Qi(vital energy)and blood, dispersing blood stasis and dredging collateral, restoring consciousness.. The product can reduce blood viscosity and normalize blood pressure and it can prevent and treat the headache, dizziness, cervical spondy lopathy weakness in mental energy caused by hyperlipemia, arteriosclerosis and blood supply insufficiency, and be used for hemiplegia due to stroke, numb extremities, stiff tongue and retardation inspeech, palpitation, short breath due to chest paralysis. Chest distress, chest pain due to coronary heart disease, palpitation and short breath. Hemipegia due to stroke and numb extremities and deviated mouth and eyes and stiff tongue and retardation in speech, involuntary drooling, dementia and urinary and fecal incontinence.
xperimental study on effect of Buchang Naoxintong containing serum for antagonizing hypoxia-induced apoptosis of cortical neurons].
[Article in Chinese]
Zhou GY, Hu XQ, Chen XH.
SourceDepartment of Neurol-ogy, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of Buchang Naoxintong containing serum (BNCS) for antagonizing hypoxia-induced apoptosis of primary cultured cortical neurons with the sero-pharmacological method.
METHODS: Primary cortical neurons from neonate rats (within 24 h) were cultured and induced into hypoxia model on the 7th day, which were then treated with different concentrations of BNCS. Cell apoptosis was detected qualitatively and quantitatively; and further verified by agarose gel electrophoresis through analyzing in-ternucleosomal DNA fragmentation of the neurons. Besides, neuron viability was tested by 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and change of nuclear morphology was observed by Hoechst 33258 staining.
RESULTS: After treatment with BNCS, the viability of the hypoxia neurons improved with significantly reduced neuron apoptosis.
CONCLUSION: Buchang Naoxintong can protect cortical neurons from hypoxia-induced apoptosis.

Application: This product is a capsule preparation containing the mass of faint brownish-yellow or chocolate brown powder with strange flavor and mild-bitter taste.

Composition: Radix Astragali、Radix Paeoniae Rubra、Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae、Radix Angelicae Sinensis、Rhizoma Chuanxiong、Semen Persicae、Flos Carthami、Resina Olibani、Myrrha、Caulis Spatholobi、Radix achyranthis bidentatae、Ramulus Cinnamomi、Ramulus Mori、Pheretima、Scorpio、Hirudo

Dosage and Administration: 

 Taking orally 2-4 grains per time, 3 times per day or consult with your physician. (The patients with gastrosis must take medicine after meals)


1. pregnant women can not use it .

2. Out of reach of children.

Storage : Store (keep) in a cool and dry place,protect from light (heat).

Product Name :NaoXinTong Jiao Nang 步长脑心通胶囊

Packing: 0.4g* 36Capsules/one box 

Manufacturer : ShanXi BuChang Pharmaceutical  Co. Ltd

The official  website : http://www.buchang.com/ZBT-En/ 

 通用名称: 脑心通胶囊
 汉语拼音: Naoxintong Jiaonang
[主要成分]  黄芪、赤芍、丹参、当归、川芎、桃仁、红花、乳香(制)、没药(制)、鸡血藤、牛膝、桂枝、桑枝、地龙、全蝎、水蛭。
[性   状]  本品为胶囊剂,内容物为淡棕黄色至黄棕色的粉末;气特异,味微苦。
[功能主治]  益气活血、化瘀通络。用于气虚血滞、脉络瘀阻所致中风中经络,半身不遂、肢体麻木、口眼歪斜、舌强语謇及胸痹心痛、胸闷、心悸、气短;脑梗塞、冠心病心绞痛属上述症
[规    格]  每粒装0.4g.
[用法用量]  口服,一次2—4粒,一日3次,或遵医嘱。
[不良反应]  尚不明确。
[禁    忌]  孕妇禁用。
[注意事项] 胃病患者饭后服用。
[药理毒理]  实验证明:脑心通胶囊对“血瘀”模型的全血高切、低切粘度、还原粘度、血小板粘附率均有显著降低作用;可抑制ADP诱导的血小板聚集;可明显抑制血栓形成,有一定的量效关系;可明显增加脑血流量,明显降低脑血管阻力,明显延长凝血时间;可增加犬心肌供血,改善心功能;降低血清LDH和CK活性,缩小心肌梗死范围,提示脑心通胶囊具有抗急性心肌缺血作用。
[贮    藏]  密封。
[包    装]  铝塑板装,2×18粒/盒。
[有 效 期]  24个月。
[执行标准]  《国家中成药标准汇编、经络肢体、脑系分册》
[批准文号]  国药准字Z20025001
 企业名称: 陕西步长制药有限公司
 生产地址: 陕西省咸阳市渭阳西路西延段123号
 邮政编码: 712000
 电话号码: 029—33314300
 传真号码: 029—33314350
 注册地址: 陕西省咸阳市渭阳西路西延段123号
 网    址: www.buchang.com         E—mail:kyb@buchang.com